The Greater Arlington Chamber of Commerce is proud to highlight for-profits and nonprofits working together for a better Arlington. Hagar's Heart and Salyer Counseling Group joined forces to leverage their strengths and resources to benefit the greater Arlington community, aligning with the missions of both organizations. Hagar’s Heart, a … [Read more...]
Better Together: Hagar’s Heart and Salyer Counseling Group Meeting Mental Health Needs of Trauma Survivors
Better Together: AISD Students Show It’s Their Time To Dance in Theatre Arlington ‘Footloose’ Performance
This summer, Theatre Arlington opened their curtains to selected junior high and high school Arlington ISD students for a brand-new two-week musical camp. Collaborations between AISD and Theatre Arlington are not new as they have partnered many times throughout the years, but this is the first year that they have given students who are … [Read more...]
The Dallas Wings are Brewing Up Big Partnerships: How Cup O’ Vibes and the Wings are Better Together
When you first think of the Dallas Wings, you might recall their achievements in basketball. We’re here to tell you that basketball is only a small part of the role the Wings play in our community. From the Dallas Wings Community Foundation that promotes youth sports, social justice, education and more, to the commitment individual players make to … [Read more...]
Better Together: Urban Tree Merchants Helps Repurpose Wood for Golf Center of Arlington Resort
When a tree dies, many think that that is the end of its life. Urban Tree Merchants knows that a tree's death is only the beginning. In fact, as founder Kelly Geer says, “Sometimes the thing that kills the tree is what makes it the most beautiful”. Urban Tree Merchants works with several local partners to give trees a new leaf on life, … [Read more...]
Becky Nussbaum Gerro Receives Boy Scouts of America’s 2023 Arlington Silver Eagle Award
Every year the Boy Scouts of America's Longhorn Council sits down to decide who will receive the coveted Arlington Silver Eagle Award. This award is given to someone who is a community leader that strives to make Arlington a better place through every day actions. This year's recipient worked as a teacher for special education classes at HEB … [Read more...]
Better Together: Prince Lebanese Grill & AISD Create Next Level Chefs
Arlington has too many community leaders to name, but one family that stands out and constantly gives back are the owners of Prince Lebanese Grill, the Kobty family. As an Arlington staple for many years, Prince has been such a reliable supporter of the city. Prince upholds the key messages of family, community, and hospitality, and they … [Read more...]