On Jan. 14, the 89th Texas Legislature gaveled into regular session, setting the stage for 150 House Representatives and 31 Senators to shape the state’s policies. Held every two years, the 140-day session enables lawmakers to approve the biennial state budget, introduce and vote on new laws and address matters such as emergency appropriations and … [Read more...]
The 89th Texas Legislature Kicks Off
Tarrant County Judge speaks at 13th Annual State of the County Address
On May 22, the Greater Arlington Chamber of Commerce hosted the 13th Annual State of the County Address presented by The Nehemiah Company. Tarrant County Judge Tim O’Hare sat down with Mike Gerro, chair of the Greater Arlington Chamber, to discuss what changes had been made in the past year and to highlight goals for the upcoming year. In … [Read more...]
Municipal Election Results for May 4, 2024
The local election held on May 4 brought forth new leadership across various positions within the community. Here's a summary of the election results along with brief explanations of the roles of school board trustees and city councilmembers: Arlington Independent School District Trustee: Governing the school district is the primary role of a … [Read more...]
The 14 Propositions Amending the Texas Constitution on the November 7 Ballot
The November 7 election holds significant importance, as it features 14 ballot propositions aiming to amend the Texas Constitution, each approved by the Texas Legislature earlier this year. The Chamber advocates for a pro-business environment and provides a strong, representative voice on behalf of all businesses on important local, regional, state … [Read more...]
Speaker Phelan and Lt. Gov. Patrick Reach Agreement on Property Tax Reduction
After a year-long stalemate in the House and Senate, the 88th Legislature of the State of Texas has reached an agreement on property tax reduction. Governor Abbott has made it clear that legislators will not be able to go home until a solution has been reached (even vetoing bills- see here), and one has finally been agreed upon. The Texas … [Read more...]
Governor Abbott Calls Second Special Session
The Texas Legislature was originally supposed to conclude in late May, but as we approach mid-July, Governor Abbott has called his second special session of the 88th Legislature. On May 29, Governor Abbott called his first special session focused on property tax reform. Since there has been no conclusion to the property tax saga, Abbott has … [Read more...]