About the Chamber Networking Groups
Chamber Networking Groups are structured to maximize networking opportunities by having only one industry represented per group (ie. one Realtor, one Restaurant, one Banker, etc.) As a result, you gain enough knowledge and trust about this person, feeling comfortable to (1) use them personally when needed, and (2) refer them to your network of friends and business associates that need their product or services.
CNG’s also provide the following:
- Education about each industry through weekly presentations provided by each group member
- Education about business topics
- Knowledge about community news and events, shared within the group
- Opportunities to save money by using member services
- Better understanding of Chamber events and opportunities
- Opportunities to build new key relationships with other business leaders and community supporters
Thank you to our Networking Group Sponsors!
Tuesday AM
Wednesday AM
Thursday AM
Thursday Noon
Sponsor Your Networking Group!
Sponsorships are now $50 and exclusive to one sponsor per group per season/quarter. Benefits include your logo on the Networking Group webpage and in the Business Over Breakfast (BOB) PowerPoint loop for three months.
Visit our online store to view available seasons/quarters and secure your spot today!
*Must log in with your company's MAIN PROFILE to add to cart and purchase.
How Do I Join a Chamber Networking Group?
- You must be a member in good standing
- We ask you to call each group's Chair, to ask if you can visit and to confirm the following:
- if they are meeting at the Chamber or off-site that day
- that there is not a person already occupying that industry seat in that group
- Visit each group (with an opening in your industry seat) twice before deciding which group to join.
- Once you decide which group to join, read through the Networking Guidelines and complete the application.
- For General Members, the cost is $75/year; for Corporate Members, it is complimentary with your membership.
- Once a Corporate Member joins a “main group”, they are welcome to attend any other group as an ongoing guest as long as the other group(s) does not have their industry seat taken. If a company joins in that industry seat, the Corporate Member is no longer able to attend the additional group(s). They will only be listed on the website under their main group. Please call the Chair(s) of the other group(s) to notify them that you will be visiting.