The Greater Arlington Chamber of Commerce is governed by a Board of Directors who represent a mix of large and small companies in the Chamber service area. Board members are proposed by a nominating committee and elected at the Chamber annual meeting. Members of the Board may serve up to six consecutive one-year terms.
*Some Board Members are not pictured above.
Meet Our Executive Committee

Kelly Curnutt
Curnutt & Hafer, L.L.P.

Joni Wilson
Chair Elect
Susser Bank

Blake Kretz
2nd Chair Elect
Texas Health Arlington Memorial

Mike Gerro
Immediate Past Chair
Frost Bank

Michael Jacobson
President & CEO
Greater Arlington
Chamber of Commerce

Terry Gaines
Secretary & Treasurer
Digital Seat Media

Sharn Barbarin
Medical City Arlington

Dr. Jennifer Cowley
The University of
Texas at Arlington

Kim Crawford
Sutton Frost Cary LLP

Linda Dipert
Women Inspiring Philanthropy

Larry Fowler
Harris Cook Law

Clay Kelley
RUSH Human Resources, LLC

Valerie Landry
The Sanford House Inn & Spa

Jim Maibach
Peyco Southwest Realty

Tom McCarty
LBL Architects, Inc.

Beth Owens

David Sargent
Sargent Investments
Board Members
Jamil Ahmed
Edward Jones
Gerald Alley
John Avila
Byrne Construction
Robyn Barrere
Old Republic Title
Chad Bates
Legacy Financial, Inc.
Allan Beck
Baylor Scott & White Orthopedic
Past Chairs
Mike Gerro
Kenyon Godwin
Jim Maibach