Monday, Governor Greg Abbott signed two bills into law which were key priorities for your Chamber of Commerce: SB6 (by Kelly Hancock) which provides limited liability protection as we reopen from the pandemic and SB1102 (by Brandon Creighton) which provides for upskilling up to 30,000 Texans displaced by the pandemic.SB6 provides businesses, which … [Read more...]
Texas Governor
Governor Abbott Signs Two Key Business Priority Bills
Governor Abbott Stresses Masks and Distance as Covid-19 Cases Grow
On Monday Governor Greg Abbott once again cautioned Texans that Covid-19 cases and hospitalizations are growing too rapidly. Wearing face masks and maintaining a 6-foot distance from others have been proven effective against the spread of the disease. While the increases are troubling, the Governor said they are not alarming and no new restrictions … [Read more...]
Governor Abbott Outlines Plan to Reopen Texas
Governor Greg Abbott laid out his plan to reopen Texas in phases at his press conference Monday afternoon in Austin. He announced that his “Stay at Home” order will be allowed to expire on April 30. Phase one of the plan to reopen Texas begins May 1 and includes opening retail, restaurants, movie theaters, museums and libraries at 25% of their … [Read more...]
Greater Arlington Chamber Supports Gov. Abbott’s Plan to Reopen Economy
ARLINGTON, Texas — Greater Arlington Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Michael Jacobson today signed on to a statement with leaders from the Metro Eight Chambers of Commerce in support of Gov. Greg Abbott's plan to gradually open the Texas economy: "As leaders of the Texas business community, we applaud Gov. Abbott for focusing on the … [Read more...]
Governor Greg Abbott Relaxes some COVID-19 Restrictions in Texas
The Governor’s Executive Order (GA-16), issued April 17, 2020 relates to the safe, strategic reopening of select services and activities in Texas. This order establishes a temporary "Retail-To-Go" model that will allow retail outlets in Texas to reopen beginning Friday, April 24. Under this model, reopened establishments are required to deliver … [Read more...]
Governor Abbott, Goldman Sachs, LiftFund Announce $50 Million in Loans For Texas Small Businesses
Governor Greg Abbott today announced that Goldman Sachs and the LiftFund, along with other community development financial institutions (CDFIs), are partnering to provide $50 million in loans to small businesses in Texas that have been affected by COVID-19 as part of the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program. These loans, made through the … [Read more...]