Every ten years the constitution requires a census of the population of the United States be taken which is used reapportion the U.S. House and the State Legislature. The next census will be in March 2020. Accurate census data is important to the business community because the census is used to determine how federal funds are divided among the states, cities, and counties. The data collected in the census is also used for many commercial surveys that determine the size of the workforce in areas under consideration for business relocations. Participation in the census plays a crucial role in companies deciding where to create jobs by building factories, offices, and stores.
Every person, regardless of age or immigration status, must be counted in the U.S. census. For every person in Texas that does not respond, an estimated $1,500 is diverted to other communities.
Unfortunately, many of our immigrant populations have a cultural fear of government, especially if they or someone in their family is undocumented. Businesses must assure their employees that their privacy is protected in census data. It is a federal crime to release specific census information until 72 years after the census is taken. It cannot by law be released to law enforcement or used to determine eligibility for government benefits. The city of Arlington has produced a video which you can share with your employees. The video is available in English, and Spanish with a Vietnamese version soon to come on the city census website www.arlingtontx.gov/2020census. Click HERE to view the English Language video.