Stephanie Buduhan CPA is a local practice serving nonprofit organizations with accounting, auditing, and consulting services. Stephanie has worked as an accountant for over 18 years and is a longtime Arlington resident.
Stephanie earned her Bachelor of Science in Accounting and her Master of Science in Accounting from the University of Texas at Arlington. Though she spent her freshman year pursuing journalism in New York, her path was redirected back to Texas. Through her experience life has taught Stephanie that old ways won’t open new doors and sometimes, you will work hard and still not get what you want, but you’ll probably learn something valuable along the way.
Owning a small business is no easy task. But through the challenges Stephanie finds joy in owning her own practice. She is proud of what she is building and to be serving nonprofit organizations whose work is so vital to our community.
“There is something uniquely gratifying about owning your own business,” said Stephanie. “I never thought I would be a small business owner, but I am loving it. Don’t get me wrong, it is extremely challenging and terrifying! I’m not trying to make it seem like it’s all rainbows and butterflies! It is a roller coaster ride for sure, with high highs and low lows. But so far, the highs are making the lows worth it.”
On top of serving nonprofits with her business, Stephanie also volunteers her time with them as well. She sits on the board of Higher Education Servicing Corporation/inspirED and Dental Health Arlington. And here at the Chamber we have seen her involvement with the Women’s Alliance group, where she served as the Chair for the 10th Annual Inspired Women Luncheon in 2021 and the Chair of the Women’s Alliance for 2022-23.
We are so thrilled to see the success of Stephanie and her CPA practice. If you are a nonprofit organization and you need assistance with accounting, auditing, or consulting, check out the Stephanie Buduhan CPA website, she is ready to help!