The November 5th election is fast approaching, and the rideshare service Via is doing their part to encourage voting. Via is partnering with Tarrant County to give voters free rides to polling locations on Election Day.
Since its pilot program, Via has offered more than 250,000 trips to Arlington residents. As a result, more than 75 cities have followed Arlington’s innovative solution to public transportation. The benefits of the rideshare initiative are expanding with the introduction of Via’s partnership with Tarrant County to transport voters.
To be eligible for a free ride, voters must show a current Texas ID or a voter registration card. Voters can request a free on-demand ride to or from a polling center through the app or call 817-794-7382. Via riders can access any of the twenty polling places in Via’s service zone, which include the Arlington Tarrant County Subcourthouse, South Davis Elementary School and the Bob Duncan Center.
The Tarrant County press release that announced the partnership with Via and other transportation services stressed the importance of all residents having an equal opportunity to vote. The County’s transportation initiative will make voting more accessible for the elderly, mobility-impaired and those without reliable transportation.
With voting in Arlington being more accessible than ever, it is up to us to make our voices heard during this election. While heading to the polls to decide on the ballot propositions, don’t forget to support the AISD and TCC bond propositions.