Who says networking can’t be fun? The Thursday Networking Group (TNG) had the opportunity to “Network At Sea” through the coordination efforts of Lesley Bettis Travel – Cruise Planners.
In May 2022, Lesley pitched the idea of a cruise to the networking group and once everyone was ready to sail away she began planning for a trip in January 2023. Thirty-six members of the group departed on a 4-night Royal Caribbean cruise sailing from Galveston.
Networking at Sea wasn’t just for fun, the group had two goals:
- Facilitate the group in getting to know each other better, thereby making it easier to offer referrals & connections.
- Make new connections on the trip while broadening the networking circle.
When asked about the trip, Lesley said, “Wow, did the experience blow us out of the water! We had lots of opportunities to socialize, learn, and meet new prospective clients. We enjoyed great food and fellowship. We danced, parasailed, and laughed until we cried. And, we are ready to sail again!”
This trip also helped Lesley Bettis Travel gain referrals and future bookings. Two chamber members and four invited guests booked future cruises while onboard, and another chamber guest requested two future vacation proposals for friends and cohorts. Since the return from the cruise, Lesley Bettis Travel has had multiple travel inquiries from other friends and family of those who sailed with them.
“The power of the relationships we are able to build as members of the Greater Arlington Chamber of Commerce means we truly are Better Together!”
Thank you so much to Lesley for sharing this story, we are thrilled to see members succeed when they connect with other members! It is because of you that we are championing economic prosperity and living up to our tagline, Together, We Succeed.
If you have a Better Together story about your partnership with another member, please let us know by emailing your story to marketing@www.arlingtontx.com.